What Are Menthol Illness Treatments?

Menthol is a powerful essential oil that can be found in over 100 distinct types of essential oils. It has a peppery and citrus scent. It is produced by the essential oils of several species of Mentha spicata plants, and sometimes from other plants as well. The plant derives its name from the Latin word "methus", which means sweet.

The treatment of Menthol illness is based on the belief that the odor of the menthol oil produces a calming effect. It produces an illusion of calmness and serenity. Menthol is often recommended for those with sore throats, sinus congestion, sore and itchy eyes, headaches, and back pain. Menthol is thought to increase vitality, and relieve anxiety and depression. It is also thought to enhance memory and concentration.

Menthol is applied topically or taken as a tea. It may also be used as an inhalant, or taken orally. Some people may find that some of their symptoms are reduced by taking small amounts of Menthol. It is believed that Menthol helps to reduce coughing, headaches, and earaches. Many people also report that the symptoms of a cold seem to disappear when they apply a small amount of menthol to the affected area.

Menthol can be used to treat a number of medical conditions, including: nausea, vomiting, and stomach aches. It may also help to treat a respiratory infection, or sinus problems. Menthol is thought to relieve upset stomachs and headaches. It is also thought to be an effective antihistamine. It may also be effective against colds and influenza. It is considered to be safe for children, although stronger doses are recommended for adults and should not be used by pregnant women who are breast feeding.

Because it has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, there are many topical and oral treatments on the market today containing menthol. Some of the top medications on the market include Xynol, Benadryl, Hylunia, and Benadryl-C. Benadryl-C acts as a decongestant, reducing inflammation and allowing the airways to be less sensitive. Advil and Motrin are available without a prescription in higher strengths.

Menthol mouthwash has also been manufactured and is available without a prescription. It may also be combined with ibuprofen, or acetaminophen, and may provide relief from symptoms. Oral products that contain menthol are available at many health food stores. They can be bought in mouthwash form, or as unsweetened brands. Cold sore remedies that contain menthol may also be purchased without a prescription.

Oral ulcers have been reported to be reduced by menthol. This includes children who suck their thumbs, as well as adults. Oral infections such as tonsillitis, leptospirosis, and strep throat may also be decreased when using it. A product that contains menthol may also decrease the chance of an ulcer by inhibiting an enzyme called histamine. Histamine is a substance that stimulates ulcers and causes coughs and wheezing.

Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, a cream that contains menthol may relieve symptoms of sore throats and rashes. However, in order to truly treat an outbreak, it should be used in conjunction with other proven methods. Products that contain witch hazel, zinc oxide, and eucalyptus can help to reduce inflammation and provide immediate relief of symptoms. Maintaining the appropriate diet and keeping stress levels low can also help to prevent outbreaks. Using a combination of these treatments can give you permanent relief of your symptoms and make your cold sore outbreaks more bearable.

A popular homeopathic treatment that includes menthol oil is to boil a handful of Rosemary or basil leaves and add them to a glass of water. Swish the mixture around in the water for about five minutes. This will draw out any foul odor from the herbs. Drinking several cups of this tea will also help to strengthen your immune system and fight off the virus that causes cold sores. If you prefer to make a tea instead of consume a capsule, a small amount of tea can be added to your daily diet.

You should avoid scratching your lips or mouth until you begin to feel better. Scratching increases the risk of spreading the virus, which may increase your chances of developing symptoms. Be sure to wear comfortable gloves while doing chores around your home. Keep track of any bumps or wounds that develop that can be the beginning of an outbreak.

Cold sores usually clear up within a week or less. While there is no cold sore treatment that will prevent this from happening, you can take steps to help shorten the duration of an outbreak. Using products that contain menthol oil and tea may help to speed along the recovery time. When an outbreak does occur, be sure to follow up with a topical product. These products are designed to prevent outbreaks from occurring on an ongoing basis.



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