Menthol Illness - How to Get Help Using Menthol Online Therapy

The Menthol Illness is a common form of sinusitis and the inflammation that results from it. When the lining of the sinus cavities become inflamed and irritated, it can lead to congestion, difficulty breathing, and sometimes pain. If the inflammation is so severe that there is a decreased ability to protect the membranes from swelling, the inner lining of the sinus cavities can ulcerate and be inflamed also. A form of Menthol is found in mentholated candles, so it may be possible that the symptoms are caused by this. At least one Menthol manufacturer has developed an over the counter remedy that contains menthol oil and claims that it can treat the symptoms of Menthol allergy.

If you have ever experienced the symptoms described above, you may be an easy target for this allergic reaction. You may think you have the flu or some other cold when all you had was a runny nose and some irritation in your ear. If you have ever suffered from sinus headaches you may have thought you were having a sinus infection as well. That is because both involve the sinuses but they cause different symptoms. Your doctor may have told you that you just needed to wait it out.

Well if you go online you will be able to find all kinds of advice on this allergy. The first thing is to see if you can find any medical advice about your symptoms. Many times you may well be told to wait it out and see if it clears up. But some people find that their symptoms get worse until they decide to get tested. They may well find out that they are suffering from Menthol Illness.

There are several symptoms that can show that you have this allergy such as runny and/or congested nose, difficulty breathing, wheezing, coughing, headache, skin rash and hives. Other symptoms may be increased cold sensitivity, fatigue, muscle pain and tiredness. If you are irritated by smoke, perfumes or even certain foods you could be allergic to menthol. This is also true of other perfumes such as coconut oil and eucalyptus but it is more commonly found with menthol.

You can also be given antihistamines or antibiotics to help alleviate your symptoms. These drugs will reduce inflammation of the nasal passages, which will help you get over your allergy quickly. You will need to change your diet as well so eliminate things that you are allergic to. You can start with oatmeal and egg whites, you can add some flax seed oil to this to make a great breakfast. You can even eat meat on the grill with the great spices from both the marinade and the spices from the meat.

You may find that you get sinus headaches or migraine headaches which can be quite severe if they last more than a couple of days. Some people get the migraine headaches on top of the other symptoms and it can be a terrible combination. When you start to suffer from sinusitis, you may be given medication that helps relieve the inflammation and the pain of the sinus headaches. You can even find that you are given an antihistamine to stop the allergies from coming on.

If you are suffering from dizziness, you may be given medicine to calm your nerves and ease your symptoms as well. It is very hard to be aware of where the symptoms are coming from and being able to tell the doctor right away can make all the difference in recovery. You should take notice that you will be feeling more dizzy after eating a large meal as well as after drinking a large glass of water. When the dizziness hits you it can be quite severe and you should try to rest as much as possible and try to relax as much as possible.

Anyone who is having trouble sleeping, is experiencing flu-like symptoms, is experiencing headaches, is sensitive to perfume, or has nasal congestion can benefit from this sort of online therapy. These symptoms can be quite debilitating when they affect your ability to function properly in your daily life. You should talk to your doctor about your condition and see if he can recommend something for you as well.


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